Bolts of Yellow and Green_72dpi.jpg
Reach for the Sky_72dpi.jpg
Zavacky_Micah_5_Tulips Close to Winter's End.jpg.jpg
Four Trees and Three Bushes_MZ.jpg
Twisted Branches about to Bloom.jpg-3.jpg
In the Garden_Hedges.jpg.jpg
Out the Window_ Succulents II.jpg.jpg
Out the Window_ Succulents I.jpg.jpg
Zavacky_Micah_4_Late Winter Evening.jpg.jpg
Nightime Deep Breaths.jpg.jpg
Root Rot, first state
Root Rot, second state
Potted Zinnias I
Potted Zinnias II
Potted Zinnias III
Potted Zinnias IV
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